Put Down Those Scissors: An Alternate Approach to Fringe

I’d finally finished my Hufflepuff scarf–even finished weaving in the dozens of loose ends–when I remembered the tassels. I still had to make fringe on either end.

In the past I’ve cut all the tassels first, attached them with a crocheting hook, and then trimmed them even. But I didn’t like all the fiddly bits of string.

Here’s the new method I (might have) invented.


You’ll need a darning needle, scissors, a straight object (like a knitting needle or ruler), and the yarn of your choice.

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Things Have Been Rather Yellow and Black Recently

I don’t tend to do a lot in yellow or black, but by coincidence both the hat I crocheted last week and the scarf I’m now knitting are in those colors.

The hat was a present for my nephew.


And the scarf is for me.


The scarf has a story. It turns out four members of one of my writing groups are all in different Hogwarts houses (according to Pottermore). Back in elementary school and junior high I liked to think I was a Gryffindor, in high school I prided myself on being a Ravenclaw, but I have recently come to accept and embrace that I really have been a Hufflepuff all along. If you will, I’ve come out of the Hufflepuff closet.

On an unrelated note, Featherfolk is gliding along!

Happy Yarning.